Planning for the New Year

So even though 2020 was a challenge I never expected, and at times resented, it has forced me to prioritize and focus on the things that are important to me in a new way. Thinking about what is up next, I look at the same three priorities- my health, my family, and my business. With my business I’m launching a free online course designed for folks with chronic pain or illness:

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Stacey Ivits
Planning for the holidays with your family

By tuning into the moment and each other with full attention it helps us to find joy and practice gratitude. We are also taking time as a family to name our grief and sadness and to share how we are missing our loved ones who we can't hug this year. By using emotion labeling we are building our children’s (and our own) emotional vocabulary and also our resilience toolkit.

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Stacey Ivits
Preparing for winter- connecting with therapy

therapy is just one way people can take care of themselves. During Covid I believe that therapy and counselling play an important role because people are not able to connect in the same ways to other aspects of social and emotional care that they may otherwise use to look after themselves. Taking the time and prioritizing mental, emotional, and social wellbeing can help people to function better in the other parts of their life (like at work, parenting, partnering, or even as a friend) during times of stress.

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Stacey Ivits
Preparing for winter- locating mental health support

Many people experience increased anxiety and depression leading up to the holidays and through the darker days of winter. With Covid this year, I'm taking some extra time to check in with each person I have worked with in the past year to ensure that they are connected to the supports that I offer or through the community. It’s important to plan for the changes that are coming and also to share where help is available- because it is out there if you need it- even if finding it can be a bit (or a lot) overwhelming!

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Stacey Ivits
Back-to-school... getting kids talking about it

So yes, parents, please help your kids get ready to wear masks at school. Definitely help them get comfortable with the masks on their face and learn how to put them on and take them off. However, at this moment our most important job is to encourage our kids to talk & listen thoughtfully.

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Stacey Ivits
About Screen Time

New guidelines encourage parents to consider quality over quantity with screen time. Ditch the screen time guilt by finding a screen strategy. Go easy on yourself and your kids- communicate with them, be intentional, make a plan to include some outside and creative times, and then find ways to make screens work for you!

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Stacey Ivits

I’m hearing a lot of people talk about the overwhelm they are experiencing right now while at home with their whole family. I feel like things are topsy turvy right now because rather than figuring out ways to make transitions less disruptive, people are looking for ways to create concrete boundaries between activities. Here’s a list of 15 ways to build boundaries at home.

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Stacey Ivits
Virtual Practice

Most importantly, my clients have been providing positive feedback that have settled some of my previous worries, and they have even pointed out some unexpected benefits of virtual therapy. It’s Easy, safe and effective.  Flexible options to support you in making this time for yourself.

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Stacey Ivits